Monday, 27 May 2013

SIP Basics

SIP is a VOIP protocol and it stands for session initiated protocol , It uses text message same as http for commnication, The SIP network consist of below component.

SIP Proxy server:The proxy server works as an intermediate device that receives SIP requests from  a client and then forwards the requests on the behalf of the client. Proxy servers can provide functions such as authentication, authorization,network access control, routing, reliable request retransmission, and security. 

Redirect Server: The redirect server provides the client with information about the next hop or hops that a message should take, and the client then contacts the next hop server or user agent server directly.

Registrar Server: The registrar server processes requests from user agent clients for registration of their current location. Redirect or proxy servers often contain registrar servers

User Agent (UA) : UA comprises a combination of user agent client (UAC) and user agent server (UAS) that initiates and receives calls. A UAC initiates a SIP request. A UAS, a server application,contacts the user when it receives a SIP request.The UAS then responds on behalf of the user. CiscoUnified Communications Manager can act as both a server and a client

SIP user uses URI in a email id format for its identification,Unencrypted SIP works on port 5060 and encrypted(TLS) sip protocol works on Port 5061

SIP Packet exchange ... Coming Next...

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