Thursday, 8 August 2013

Changing Phone background in Cisco IP Phone

This is a very common requirement to customize the background image of phone for various deployment and is very commond practice across organization for branding purpose.

Here i am going to discuss the steps that you need to change the background image  for cisco phone.

Below are the few point that you need to keep in mind to acheive the result:

1. Keep with you the List.xml file remember the name of the file is case senstive

The xml file should contain the below text
<ImageItem Image="TFTP:Desktops/320x212x16/TN-Image.png"

2. Keep with you the image file that you want to upload  ,Actual Image size should be 320 x 212 pixels and the thumbnail image size should be 80x53 pixels

e.g Name the original image as  Image.png and the thumbnail as TN-Image.png

Now upload all the file  files to the TFTP file management by navigating to Operating Systme Administration > TFTP file management and upload the file , mention the directory for the file which will be specific to phone model for e.g Cisco 7941-61 uses /Desktops/320x196x4 as a directory.

Now once all the file uploaded restart the tftp server.

Now you can change the phone background from the Phone setting ..

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

How to configure Cisco Webdialer

Cisco web dialer is a web based utility which can be used to dial any number using web interface that will generate a call from your deskphone
The configuration of web dialer is pretty straight forward and i am going to mention the points  as  below:

1. Verify that the Cisco Web dialer service is activated from the servicability page
2. Populate the CTI server, Timer value and the application dial rule setting from the service parameter as per below

3. Create  a end user and associate the phone to the end user, Assign the standard end user role to the user

 Done with the config...

Now to use we dialer browse to web dialer URL
https://<ip add of cucm>:8443/webdialer/Webdialer

Its will ask for authentication, Enter the useid and password for the user .
The next page will give you option to dial a number 

Enter the number and click dial , It will make your deskphone to dial the number you have entered...

you can use the webdialer to integrate  with any third party application ...


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Cisco IPMA -Manager Assistant feature

Cisco Manager assistant feature with proxy line support is a service in CUCM that intercept the manager call and send it to the assistant, So that the assistant answer the call. The manager can control this behaviour from his phone and softkey and enable or disable the divert .

There are a few steps to acheive this configuration which i am going to discuss here one by one.

1. First  Create  a Partition for the Manager Phone name it as PT-Manager
2. Create a partition for all Phone name in PT_All
3. Create two CSS one for all Phone name it CSS_All  -- PT_All, CSS_IPMA -- PT_All + PT_Manager

4. Create a CTI Route Point and assign it a DN 10000X (Remember the DN should be a Full number or mask that matches with the manager DN in our case manager DN is 10001

The CSS of the CTI RP should be CSS_IPMA that has access  to the Manager Phone and Agent Phone

5. Create a IPMA service from the Phone Service options

6. Go to service parameter and choose IPMA and define the below mentioned paramater

7. Assign the manager Phone the Softkey template for manager and subscribe to IPMA services and in the Assistant Phone associate the Softkey template for assistant

8. Go to Enduser and choose the manager user and associate the Manager Phone and assign the CTI role to the end user
9. Go to the enduser page and associate the assistant phone to the assistant User  and assign the CTI role 
10.In the Manager user from the related link choose the manager configuration and define the mapping for asistant phone  with the Manager phone

many time after the configuration you may need to restart the below services for troubleshooting

1. Cisco TFTP server
2. Cisco Manager Assistant server
3. Cisco CTI server 

Now login to the assistnat console that you can download from the plugin page using the assistant credentail .

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Counting Length of a String Variable in CCX editior

Many time while designing a ccx script i came across a common requirement that is checking the length of the number of character in a variable .
Here i am defining a method that can be used to count the number of character in a string.

For this define two variable , One is of type string and other is of type interger

Type integer variable (intExtnNo)
Type  string variable (strExtno)

The use the below statement to count the number of character of the string variable

intExtnNo= strExtno .length()

The function strExtno .length() will calculate the number of character and return a integer value.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Barge-in feature in CUCM

Barge in feature are used with shared line to be a part of a active call between parties.
Lets take an example.

Phone A and Phone B have one shared line , Phone C call Phone B and two are in a call the Phone A can barge into the active call and can listren to the converstaion.
Now based on the Party Entrance Tone parameter the parties alreday in call may hear a beep done when someone barge into  the call .

There are few basic parameter that need to be taken care of for configuring barge .

Turn Privacy to OFF (default is ON)

Set Built In Bridge to ON

Select Single Button Barge to either Barge or cBarge (default is OFF)

Select a Softkey Template. For Barge, a Standard User template is sufficient

The softkey template layout can be changed from Device Setting > Softphone layout

Add a shared-line DN, i.e   10005 for both test phones .
Now when some one is in conversation on the share line you can select the  share line to barge in

To disconnect from call just select the EndCall.


Thursday, 11 July 2013

Configuring callback feature in CUCM

Callback feature in CUCM as the name suggest is used to indicate a dialed number availability status on your IP Phone ..

Take a example Phone A call Phone B ,Suppose the call is not successful due to any reason (Busy ., no answer or use doesn't pick the call) and you want that when the user is available to take call next time will be notified to you you need to press the "Callback Softkey " on the phone and the phone will monitor the status of the Called phone Phone B .

The below are the steps to configure the Callback Feature

1. Create a Softkey template
2. Assign the Callback softkey to the template
3. Assign the Softkey template to the Phone


Now to check

 From Phone A call Phone B
Press the Callback Softkey in Phone A

The below screen will appear, Press Ok to activate callback

Press Exit

Now if the Phone B will become onhook or in state of taking call below message will appear in the screen of Phone A with a Audio  beep ..

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Cisco Unified attendant console searching using multiple field

In the attendant console  client version by default you can search a contact based only on one field.
However you can easily tweak the behaviour by changing one parameter

The Parameter can be found in Option >Preference. filter search.

Click/Check the checkbox before " I want to use AND searching "

This will enable search on multiple field